Interactive Maps
The Future Placetype interactive map is a general guide for evaluating development proposals and decisions. It is intended as a guide only to convey the relationships among recommended land use types and between land uses and public infrastructure.
Forward SGF, the City of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan for the next 20 years, was developed to maximize the coverage of topics, providing a sufficient understanding of issues and concise strategies to target improvement and desired change. The following StoryMap represents an abbreviated summary of the plan, which includes all the essential goals, strategies, and recommendations for each of the core elements, as well as supporting interactive maps found in the full version of the plan.
A full copy of Forward SGF, by chapter or in its entirety, is available on the “Resources” page.
Neighborhood Revitalization. Neighborhood revitalization is a top initiative discussed in Chapter 7: Housing and Neighborhoods. It includes Restore SGF, a local initiative that aims to encourage reinvestment and homeownership in Springfield’s neighborhoods.
This Plan champions a shift in the City’s planning focus from use to design with an emphasis on creating quality places to experience through a placebased approach (discussed in Chapter 5: Land Use and Development).
This Plan calls for a full update to the City’s Land Development Code and Ordinances to align regulations with the recommendations contained in each chapter. The Comprehensive Plan is a policy guide that should inform decision making for years to come, but it is not regulatory. The City needs to update its development regulations to support the Plan’s vision.
This Plan promotes expanding and closing gaps in the trail network, through UnGap the Map, a campaign to fund trail connections discussed in Chapter 11: Parks, Greenways, and Natural Resources. Springfield trail network is a unique asset that possesses great potential to anchor neighborhood reinvestment and economic development.
Cultivating an environment for entrepreneurship, businesses growth, live-work opportunities, and starts ups is a key initiative discussed in Chapter 8: Economic Development.
The beautification of the City’s corridors, including improved planning, right-of-way management, and multimodal access, is a top initiative discussed in Chapter 8: Economic Development, Chapter 12: Subarea Plans, and Chapter 9: Transportation and Mobility.
This Plan promotes planning at the neighborhood level in Chapter 7: Housing and Neighborhoods and forming neighborhood commercial hubs that act as activity centers, discussed in Chapter 8: Economic Development.
Leveraging the City’s “Basecamp of the Ozarks” brand, the Plan champions enhancing outdoor recreation opportunities, sustainable development, and ecotourism to better connect residents, discussed in Chapter 11: Parks, Greenways, and Natural Resources.
This Plan establishes an annexation and growth strategy to promote planned, sustainable, and responsible growth, discussed in Chapter 6: Growth Areas and Annexation.
This Plan promotes regional coordination and planning across all chapters to address local issues that are also tied to the region and surrounding communities. From housing growth and roadway improvements, to trail extensions and stormwater management, the Comprehensive Plan should be a resource in coordinating with neighboring municipalities, county governments, and partner organizations.