Springfield, MO’s Comprehensive Plan
In the summer of 2019, the City of Springfield set out to create a new Comprehensive Plan, Forward SGF, a blueprint for the future. The Plan is intended to guide growth and development in the community for the next two decades to come, establishing policies that will help City leaders make substantive planning decisions. Ensuring Forward SGF is representative of the needs and desires of the community, large-scale community engagement was executed to learn the community’s ideas and desires. Based on this feedback, the Plan was developed to grow Springfield as an attractive, safe, and inclusive place for everyone to live, work, and thrive into the future.

Implementation Phase: Present – Spring 2025
After the adoption of the Forward SGF Comprehensive Plan in November 2022, the City was charged with implementing the plan to bring the community’s vision to life. In an effort to implement the plan, the City of Springfield is updating a series of city codes that regulate the development of land and installation of public infrastructure. Among others, this effort will include updating the Chapter 36 Land Development Code (Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations), of the City’s Municipal Code. Specifically, updates to the land development code regulations include Article II, subdivision regulations, Article III, zoning regulations, and coordination with Article V, building code, as well as design standards administered by the Departments of Public Works and Environmental Services. The last comprehensive updates of this code were made in 1995, although various amendments have been made to these codes and others periodically as needed. To view how the other Top 10 Initiatives are being implemented, visit the Top 10 Initiatives page.
Vision Statement
In 2040, Springfield will continue to anchor a growing region, flourishing as an economically prosperous core community that celebrates strong community identity and is welcoming to all. Neighborhoods will be revitalized, experiencing a mix of new development and reinvestment in existing housing that offers attractive choices to owners and renters at various stages of life. New housing will be complemented by parks, trails, and other amenities that support healthy and safe living. An increasing number of residents will be able to walk and bike to nearby neighborhood shops and restaurants to socialize with their neighbors and support local businesses.
Springfield’s economy will continue to thrive with beautified commercial districts and a diverse mix of businesses that support well-paying job opportunities and a strong tax base. At Springfield’s core, Commercial Street will continue to be strengthened as a unique destination unto itself while Downtown will emerge as a renowned destination for jobs, dining, shopping, and entertainment that attracts visitors from across the region and beyond. Aging corridors will be repositioned with commercial reinvestment, multifamily development, and placemaking strategies that grow support for businesses and strategically concentrate activity to provide recognizable destinations.
Springfield will embrace its identity as the “Basecamp of the Ozarks,” home to a well-connected system of parks, open spaces, trails, and recreational opportunities that links to the region’s many natural assets. The protection of the Ozarks’ environment and ecology will be made a priority. New investments in the transportation network will allow community members to conveniently and safely reach community destinations, no matter if they are walking, biking, taking the bus, or driving. Continued maintenance and improvements to utilities, infrastructure, and community facilities and services will ensure high quality of life for Springfield’s growing population long into the future.
While much of Springfield’s growth will take place within established neighborhoods and corridors, strategic annexation and smart growth will enable the City to develop new neighborhoods and districts on its periphery. Coordination with neighboring communities and service providers will ensure Springfield’s outward growth maximizes use of infrastructure and minimizes the premature conversion of farmland and natural areas.
Speaker Series
Throughout the Forward SGF planning process, the City held Speaker Series Events to engage the public, generate interest, and educate stakeholders and residents. Videos from the three events are included here.